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Double glazing provides owners with fantastic insulation against cold, damp and noise. But that’s not to say you will experience a trouble-free life with your double glazed windows, because there are a few things that can happen – such as a build up of condensation. In this guide, we’re going to explain what condensation is, how it happens, and what you can do about it. Read on to find out more! 


We’re pretty sure you will know what condensation is – the process of a vapour or gas turning into a liquid. You can see condensation everywhere, and usually it isn’t a big problem or one that can’t be solved easily. However, it can affect your double glazing in a few different ways which can cause issues. First, it can appear on the internal glazed face of your window, and secondly, you might see it on the external face. Finally, it’s also possible for condensation to start appearing in the air gap between the two glass panes. Let’s take a look at what you need to do for condensation problems in each scenario. 


If there is a lot of condensation building up on the inside face of your window, there could be a few reasons why. You might have too much humidity in the room or in your house in general. There could be a circulation problem in your room, too, which means that moisture isn’t being cleared. And finally, if the temperature in your room or home is too low, it might create cold surfaces – which makes it easy for water vapour to condense. So, look for ways of reducing the moisture in rooms with high humidity such as the kitchen or bathroom – open a window and door, as well as ensuring your extractor fan is working properly. Keep your rooms at a constant, warm temperature, too. 


When condensation starts forming on the external face of your glass panes, be surprised! It’s not a common problem, although it does happen occasionally. It’s not a bad sign, either – condensation outside is a good indicator that your thermal insulation is working properly in the units. Unless you can see your units have condensation in between the glass panes – which we will look at right now – then there is no reason to be concerned. 


Finally, the trickiest problem of all – condensation inside your unit. This can happen for a number of reasons – it might be temporary due to abnormal weather conditions, for a start. It might also indicate the surrounding areas of your windows have a high moisture content – wet concrete or plaster, for example. In both these cases, it’s best to let nature take its course and your unit dry out. However, there is a possibility that the seal is starting to fail and deteriorate. Realistically, this is not a problem you will be able to solve yourself and the truth is it is likely that you will need to replace the entire unit. 
We hope this helps you identify the problem areas you are having with regards to condensation and double glazing – good luck! 
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